Our Top Vegan Supplements: Plant-based Nutrition

In a perfect world, we would be able to fulfill 100% of our daily nutrition requirements from the whole plant foods that we eat. However, due to nutrient-depleted soil, excessive exposure to chemicals, hyper-sanitized produce, poor absorption, and lack of sunlight, we simply fall short. Vegetarian, vegan, or meat-eater, most of us require some sort of supplement at some point in our lives. Although we are not physicians, we’ve gathered our information and advice from those who are, over the years. We’re sharing with you the Top 3 Supplements that we use and recommend, as well as several others that you may be wondering about, and how to get them!

*It is always best to get your blood work done with your physician before diagnosing or determining where supplements are suitable in the diet!


Check out Erin’s website and blog at https://www.EatMoveRest.com for more info on coaching services, as well as delicious and nutritious plant-based recipes, workouts, and rest & relaxation techniques. Be sure to joint the EatMoveRest community and subscribe to the email list to receive a FREE “How To Go Vegan” PDF + the monthly motivational “In The Raw” newsletter, as well as product discounts, exclusive content, announcements, and more!

Garden of Life B12 Spray: http://amzn.to/2nSyQgy

Garden of Life D3 Spray: https://amzn.to/2uqSSCH

Algae Omega EPA/DHA (we now use SunWarrior – use EATMOVEREST for 20% off!): https://bit.ly/3lhZ4pC

Green Smoothie (basically a multivitamin in a glass!): https://eatmoverest.com/blog/lean-green-protein-smoothie

Forks Over Knives Vitamin B12 Article: https://www.forksoverknives.com/every-vegan-vegetarian-needs-vitamin-b12/#gs.tLUvxFg

Dr. Michael Greger Vegan Supplement Recommendations: https://nutritionfacts.org/2011/09/12/dr-gregers-2011-optimum-nutrition-recommendations/

Dr. Joel Kahn Vegan Supplement Recommendations: https://drjoelkahn.com/supplements-recommend-plant-based-patients/

Plant-based Recipes: https://www.eatmoverest.com/archives

More Plant-based FAQ: https://www.eatmoverest.com/faq


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Song: NOWË – Heart Of Gold (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/EALgD9ZjFyo

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